Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Vacation of Firsts...

In the last two weeks, Maximo has had lots of firsts, including...

  • Traveling to the US
  • Eating bagels, tofu, potato salad, cobbler, fish, ice cream, hush puppies, Mexican food...
  • Facing forward in his carseat
  • Crawling!
  • Almost... holding the bottle himself and feeding himself Cheerios
  • Swimming in a Pool & the Atlantic Ocean
  • Going to the Mystic Aquarium
Unfortunately, the first night in where ever we are is usually rough and we are now staying at our fourth accommodation. Through all the movement, Maximo has been great. He really is adapting pretty well to the major change in scenery and all the new people around. He easily has gone to a couple dozen different strangers with open arms.
Thankfully, Maximo is eating again. As soon as we arrived in Georgia, we went shopping and then I prepared food for Maximo. I made his favorites - chicken, squash, orzo and chicken, apricots and rice. He's been chowing them down, especially since he's playing hard at the beach, pool and trying to steal all of Charlie's toys.
Here are the beginnings of the Georgia photos.

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