Monday, July 28, 2008

Friends Forever

We were really not sure how Flavius (our cat) was going to feel about another little guy moving into the house. He was (and continues to be) pretty spoiled; he was constantly in our laps every time we sit down and slept with us at night. We thought he'd be jealous and starting peeing and pooping everywhere and we'd have to worry about him clawing the baby's eyes out or suffocating him.
We had nothing to fear. When Maximo came home, Flavius was very curious, but never acted aggressively towards the baby. Maximo has always loved being around Flavius. Flavius's meows stop Maximo in his tracks. Now that Max is more mobile, he always crawls to Flavius. Flavius patiently lets Max pet him (i.e. yank his fur). The cat even bravely lays on the floor near Max's play area. Flavius even has a sound that he makes when he sees the cat - it's like a "kah" sound.
It'll be cute when Max is in a big boy bed and Flavius chooses to sleep with him over us. As we move around the world (at least for the next couple of places), Flavius and Maximo will have each other when everything is new and bedrooms at night are foreign and scary.

1 comment:

Celia said...

We're praying to the kitty gods that Pisco is as patient as Flavius when it comes to sharing the house with a new little man...! Good kitty.