Monday, June 2, 2008

Doesn't Maximo look like he belongs in Dr. Suess's Whoville? After many months with a funky hairdo, it's finally growing in - sandy blond-ish (some days it looks brunette, some days even red) and wavy. Gone are the days of the horrific comb-over.
Now, a fascinating and nail-biting post about sleep and poop. Well, Maximo didn't make me eat my words after my Friday night post of falling to sleep without a peep. He slept beautifully Friday and Saturday nights. Last night, however, was when he decided I was getting too comfortable sleeping six hour stretches at a time. Of course, this had to be a school night, when we actually had to function all day at work. For whatever reason, he got up around 11 and was inconsolable, until I laid down with him, then he was up again at 2:30 for his milk (normally it's around 4), then he got up for the day around 5:15. Yuck. Needless to say, I'm going to bed shortly after posting this. His day on Sunday was exactly like Saturday and previous days, we have no idea why this happens every so often. It'll be nice when he can communicate with us better.
He had therapy today, so he was exhausted and fell asleep without a peep, so hopefully, he'll do better tonight. Gloria keeps saying he's taking long naps for her during the day. This weekend he did three 45 minute naps on Saturday and two 45 minute naps on Sunday. She said he took a short morning nap, then slept an hour and 45 minutes this afternoon. If only, if only.
On Sunday, I tried to take a little nap when Maximo went down for his. He went to sleep; I crawled under the warm, down comforter on our bed, read for about 15 minutes, then drifted off to sleep, to be woken up by screaming 20 minutes later. I'm not one of those power-nappers. It's all or nothing for me (all being about an hour and a half), so it was like a sick tease for me on Sunday and I felt terrible and groggy for most of the rest of the afternoon. We tried to remedy the situation by going to Starbucks, but got into a little fender bender, so our efforts were thwarted. Now on to the stinky part of this post...
I'm not sure if we've mentioned Maximo's mid-meal movement. Every night as he eats his dinner, his body needs to move things out so more can fit in. Sometimes this happens when we are almost done, so he can wait until just before bath time to be changed. Other times, it happens 5 minutes into the meal and it interferes with his comfort and eating, so we have to do a mid-meal change. Needless to say, we are walking a fine line an hour from bedtime, so really, we'd prefer to not have to change his diaper in the middle of his meal for fear of a major fall-out.
We've also renamed Saturday to "Dump Day". I don't know if merely being around us relaxes Maximo, but this Saturday (as he has the past few) he went to the bathroom five times. Not "Lima Rot-Gut", loosy goosy stuff, but normal BMs (sorry, TMI). It was strange, but he didn't seem like he was uncomfortable. Every few hours, he'd just start his little grunting routine telling us he's doing his business.
All I've got to say is, "That kid's full of crap!" - he's definitely taking after his dad.

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