Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today Maximo is two months old. Looking back (especially at these pictures from his first week in the NICU), we've come a long way! Max is putting on a lot of weight and is eating really well. He actually even outgrew one preemie top already! (It's really the little things!)
He started to take a couple of bottles this week. The doctor suggested that we give him a few bottles a week so he doesn't reject them once I need to start getting out of the house. I have enough breastmilk left from the NICU to feed a small country, so we just thaw it out and put it in a bottle.

Yesterday, we went to the NICU for his second Synergis injection. He's a champ when it comes to getting stuck with needles. And worth his weight in gold with these injections.
What's been nice the past week or so, is that Maximo has been more interactive with us. We've been doing little "workouts" everyday (I know, it's the teacher in me). We do mental/visual workouts where we read books or he stares at black and white drawings (yes, hand drawn by me!). We're also building his muscles - he loves to lay on Terie's quilt and kick around. I've been putting him on his belly to help strengthen his neck muscles, he can now pick up his head and turn to the other side. These sounds like little things, but two months ago, we never felt like we would be here and after the scary news of the last brain scan, I want to make sure he's being interactive and is moving all his extremities well.
He's really a good baby. The only problems he's having is gas, and lots of it. It's amazing that a baby can have this much gas. He's fine when it works itself out, but when the gas gets stuck inside him; he screams like he's being pinched!
We're off to another doctor's visit on Wednesday to include his first set of immunizations. We'll let you know how it goes.

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