Friday, September 7, 2007

We've hit a bump in the road... I'm calling it a bump, because hopefully it'll turn out to be nothing. Max had an echograph on his brain yesterday and the doctor noticed a "shine" to the outer layer of his brain. This can sometimes be an indicator of infection. So, the doctor is going to do a lumbar puncture and extract some fluid to see if there is indeed an infection. The doctor thinks that there is not because Max has been progressing so well, but needs to 100% rule it out. If it is an infection, that means 21 days of intravenous antibiotics. If it is not an infection, it could just be a minor inflammation and we'll continue to monitor him and doing what we're doing, then he'll get another scan to see if it's normal. Yesterday I stayed at the hospital all day and was here for his 9, 12, 3, and 6 feedings; I thought we were on the up and up. I'll write more later once we get results...

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

He looks like John!! What a cutie. Your doctors sound like they are fabulous, so hopefully the shine is nothing and he'll be home before you know it. Hang in there! Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys.

Lindsey and Mike