Sunday, September 16, 2007

Another good day! Maximo gained 25 grams yesterday with 2 gavage feedings withheld. So, the doctor is really happy and speculated that there's a possibility of Maximo going home next weekend! I'm trying not to get too excited because it'll be crushing if there's a setback... Even if it's not this weekend, I'm glad it looks like Maximo is going to go home soon. It looks like our NICU chapter may be coming to a close. We're ready to start our family together at home. If he gains weight again today, Dr. Zegarra said that we're going to withhold 3 gavage feedings for the next few days. Once he manages a few days without those feedings and continues to breastfeed well, AND his breathing stays strong, then it's home sweet home... Oh, there's no place like home.

1 comment:

Erin said...


I am so glad to hear things are going well for your new family. I will continue to keep you guys in my thoughts. Take care and stay strong.

Erin (Santos)